Geek Universe

Your game can't get delayed if it never comes out.

video games - 9009029376
Via jamiedenton

Evolution of The Elder Scrolls

Memes Skyrim - 9009028864
Via GraphicJ

Little Mac worked on his cardio

Via iStabs

Sun bro feels

dark souls - 9009028352
Via winky222

It's on

Memes - 9008734208
Via therottenapplepk1

Who's buying the switch?

nintendo switch - 9008733696
Via DrCola23

Steam logic

Memes - 9008732928
Via mobbzylad


Cheezburger Image 9008732672
Via deadpoolsheik


Via Din511

Sad gamers are all like...

nintendo - 9008732416
Via vorsz7345

Not even exaggerating.

metal gear solid - 9008731904
Via VHSThompson

open the damn time portal aku

samurai jack - 9008731648
Via katribou

That explains a lot

pc gaming - 9008731136
Via sstez

Throne of Games

Game of Thrones video games - 9008730880
Via wilamanjaro

You are not the first assassin set to kill me...

Via GreatChase91
lord of the ring memes

The Lord of the Rings in 50 Memes

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